Category: Children

Supporting the Poor Household Families of the Needy Children with Community Development Projects.

Needy Children of the Poor Household Families receive Community Development Projects such as goat projects and cow projects from #Child2Youth Foundation in order to boost their income levels. Such projects cater for the special needs of the vulnerable children and their families. In a special way, we thank our sponsors (#True-Africa) for their timely support to the needy children.

Supporting the Needy Families with Income Generating Projects

Children in Uganda have the right to a good standard of living, and to be free from any form of health care or protection.

With the above, #Child2Youth Foundation took on an initiative to help the needy families of the Vulnerable children with Income Generating Projects from their Sponsor (#True-Africa) so asĀ  to boost their standard of living which is not affordable by many poor household families of the needy children.

Supporting the Needy Children with Food Relief

In Uganda ā€˜there is a general saying that poverty is lack of basic needs and services like food, clothing, beddings, shelter, basic health care and education.

It is through this background that #Child2Youth Foundation reached out to the Needy Children with Food Relief from their Sponsors (#True-Africa) so as to have a better standard of living and better education.

Supporting the Needy Children with Clothing

In Uganda ā€˜there is a general saying that poverty is lack of basic needs and services like food, clothing, beddings, shelter, basic health care and education.

It is through this background that #Child2Youth Foundation reached out to the Needy Children with Clothing from their Sponsors (#True-Africa) so as to have a better standard of living and better education.